[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Leontine Chantal Ahyi
Taking care of someone in their home demands patience and attention. It’s not just going about a routine from day-to-day, but instead, taking the time to observe and listen. It is Chantal’s demonstration of commitment and attention to detail that impressed us. Here’s her story.
Chantal was at her client’s house when she noticed one morning that her client seemed lethargic and generally uninterested in what was going on. After trying to engage her in a conversation, Chantal decided to take her blood pressure. It was very low. Chantal immediately called the office and gave her client some juice and some food. The family was promptly notified.
The family pinpointed the problem immediately. Chantal’s client had recently visited her doctor, who changed her medication. It was determined that the medicine was too strong and the dose was adjusted. Thanks to her instincts, her knowledge of how her client usually responds, and her quick thinking, Chantal was able to immediately understand that something was wrong.
Our caregivers genuinely care. They converse with their clients, get to know them and are important to the welfare of their clients. Chantal, you deserve OUR attention this month! Congratulations on a job well done![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]