November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. Can we stop it before it starts? Here’s a look at the new offense in the Alzheimer’s fight from Newsweek.
The announcement came the day before Thanksgiving, but there was nothing in it to be thankful for: An experimental Alzheimer’s drug many thought would slow the disease’s steady cognitive decline had failed to make a significant difference in a massive trial of people with early signs of the illness.
Marty Reiswig took the news hard. “I was just sad,” he says. “I was really hopeful that it would be life-changing for us.”
Reiswig doesn’t have Alzheimer’s disease—he’s a 38-year-old real estate agent in good health. But he is part of a large extended family that’s been afflicted by Alzheimer’s for generations. His Uncle Roy died of the disease. So did Grandpa Ralph. Eleven great-aunts and great-uncles. Dozens of cousins. And now, Reiswig says, “I’ve got a 64-year-old father who’s almost dead of Alzheimer’s at this point.”
His family is one of around 500 in the world with a genetic mutation that means its carriers will develop Alzheimer’s at a much younger age than those without the mutation.