Prevent falls with simple home modifications
Did you know that many useful safety updates take less than one day to complete? These quick fixes can prevent falls and other injuries. Avoiding these accidents helps seniors live longer and more independently.
Quick fixes in just one day!
Our list of 13 quick-fix tasks could be done in one day. We’ve included useful tips, product suggestions, and how-to’s. But you could also focus on the list items that are the biggest threats to your older adult’s safety and independence. If possible, assign some tasks to members of your family or caregiving team – together you’ll get more done, more quickly.
Your senior may insist that they will take care of these things themselves, but don’t be fooled! If they haven’t fixed them already, they probably never will. Besides, once all the fixes are done, they’ll secretly be relieved to have a safer house.
It’s worth the effort
Spending a little time and money on simple home improvements is far easier and cheaper than finding and paying for assisted living or full-time care.