Pulse Oximeter Benefits: Respiratory Disorder or Cardiovascular Condition

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Pulse oximeters are useful for people in Montgomery County MD or Northern Fairfax County VA who may be aging-in-place at home. They are especially helpful for people who have conditions that affect oxygen saturation, such as: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, anemia, heart attack or heart failure or congenital heart defects. In every case, Assisting Hands Home Care Potomac can help keep loved ones safe throughout these two counties.

If you have a loved one who suffers from a chronic respiratory disorder or cardiovascular condition, you know that it can be challenging to manage symptoms and you may often wonder if they’re getting enough oxygen throughout the day. Perhaps you’ve heard about a pulse oximeter and wondered if it would be a worthy investment to have on hand. This small device has received even more attention due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how the virus affects oxygen levels in the body. But what exactly is a pulse oximeter and should your loved one have one? Let’s take a look.

What Is A Pulse Oximeter?

A pulse oximeter is a quick, simple method for testing the saturation of oxygen carried in your red blood cells. Oxygen saturation usually indicates how much oxygen is getting to the organs. When checking oxygen levels, it’s important to know that the American Lung Association considers a level between 95 and 97% to be normal. Anything below that level warrants a call to a doctor and anything under 90% would be a reason to go to the emergency room.

Pulse oximeters are convenient and easy to use. All you have to do is clamp it to the tip of a finger and you get a reading of blood oxygen saturation in seconds. It uses a cold light source that shines a light through the fingertip, making the tip appear red. By analyzing the light from the light source that passes through the finger, the pulse oximeter is able to determine the percentage of oxygen in the red blood cells.

What Are The Benefits of Using A Pulse Oximeter?

Pulse oximeters are useful for people who have conditions that affect oxygen saturation, such as: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, anemia, heart attack or heart failure or congenital heart defects. There are many benefits to pulse oximetry, including:

  • Monitors oxygen saturation over a period of time
  • Alerts to dangerously low oxygen levels
  • Indicates side effects if a loved one is taking medication that affects breathing or oxygen saturation
  • Offers peace of mind if a loved one suffers with chronic respiratory or cardiovascular conditions

Pulse oximetry devices are noninvasive and carry no serious risks, but it is important to do your research and talk to your loved one’s doctor before investing in a consumer-grade device. It’s important to find a pulse oximeter that’s FDA cleared and approved. Prices vary, but don’t always assume that a high-end model works any better than a basic one.

Caring for a loved one can be extremely challenging and may be particularly stressful during the coronavirus pandemic. Assisting Hands offers professional in-home personal care services to provide caregivers with a much-needed break. We can help keep your loved one safe and secure when you can’t be with them. Our services are available throughout Montgomery County, MD and Fairfax County and Northern VA. Call us in MD at 301-363-2580 and in VA at 703-556-8983. Let’s discuss your needs.